Tuesday, March 2, 2010

mid term writing exam

Since the beginning of human life, there was no time for resting. Humans were born to run since the prehistoric ages. Humans are active because of their high concentration of muscles. Our body is a complex machine that requires to be active. Exercise is a big part of human nature, but is significantly decreasing by the modern way of living. Two famous writers have very different attitude toward exercise. Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman statesman and philosopher says that ­­­­­­­­'' It is exercise alone that supports the spirit and keeps the mind in vigor.'' Therefore Mark Twain, an American writer and humorist says that '' I have never taken any exercise, except for sleeping and resting, and I never intend to take any. Exercise is loathsome.'' I will express my idea about one of those statements.

First of all, I prefer Marcus attitude. I have to say that not doing exercise is the best way to have a fat body and a boring life. Exercising is the major component to increase well being. People that are exercising regularly have a feeling that they achieve something more in their life, thus providing more self-esteem. Have you ever got out of a pool after numerous hours of exercising and felt better than before because you are satisfied of yourself? I can easely say that exercising can facilitate you to achieve a better life.

Exercising is also the sole way to maintain good health. Everybody should know by now that this is the easiest and safest way to be healthy. It has been proven that exercising can provide a faster metabolism for the human body. Another benefit from exercising is that you can lose fat by doing it! Isn't that great? Stop being fooled by all the media about some miracle pills that will do the work for you. We all know that exercising is the only possible way to lose fat rapidly. We all seek the perfect body, therefore exercising is providing it.

Yet, there isn't really much bad things about exercising. If you think it is boring, then do it with friends or while listening to music. Exercising is the perfect way to keep everyone sane, and make them feel good too. It is proven that it makes people feel better, it is proven that it can help you be healthy, and it is proven that it will make you lose fat. So why would you even consider thinking like Mike Twain?

415 words