Monday, May 17, 2010

Final writing exam 10% part B

Are you a geek?

In the present culture, computers are playing a major role in children developement. We introduce more and more education programs that are associated with technology and computers. The term "geek" has emmerged from our culture, and people are getting more interests in technologies. Geek is not to be confused with Nerd. A geek does not have to be smart, a Geek is someone who is generally not athletic, and enjoys Video Games; Comic Books; being on the internet, etc. Nonetheless, there is still a big gap between the males and females. So I decided to write an essay about a survey that I did.

First of all, the survey evolved around the hypothesis that boys are geekier than girls. Our questions were not just based on computers, but also on geek culture, like movies, games, or hobbies. We weren't surprised by the fact that boys had more knowledge of computers than girls, but by the fact that the gap between sexes was not that big. Yes we proved that boys tends to be more geeky than girls, but we also found out that there is actually geek girls in this world. Despite the internet phenomenon, more boys have interests in comic books, science fiction novels and role playing games.

Our second hypothesis was evolving around the fact that people who are geeks consider themselves as geeks. They do not deny the fact that they are geeks, and they are not ashamed of being geek. I have to say that our hypothesis was wrong, we have proven that people act as geek even if they don't consider themselves as some. I think that this is more of a cultural problem. People are lured into all of the technology and computers without realizing it. This was in fact pretty disturbing to find out that people can be uncounsciously attracted to technology. This is more pointed toward computers and technology, so we can still say that minority of people are reading science fiction novels or role playing.

As for the conclusion, the nerverending developement of technology is contributing for the growing of the geek culture. Males tends to be more geeky than females. But this can be associated to the fact that more boys are interrested in technology and computers. The majority of the people who are geek don't consider themselves as geeks. This can be associated to our culture, the dependance of people to technology and all those things. I had a lot of fun doing this survey, and the results were somehow surprising. Lets hope that not all of our society will be based on artificial intelligence for the near future.

478 words

Final writing exam 10% Part A

Unit 6 question 2:It is said that people will often do things in a crowd that they would never consider doing alone. Have you seen any evidence that this is true?

I think people will do more dangerous things when they are in a crowd because they blame everybody's attitude and not just themselves. It can be seen often when there is some massive crowd in the streets after an important sports event. Take example when our hockey team won an importan match. People started a riot and several infrastructures were destroyed.

Unit 7 question 3:When you are treated for an illness or injury, do you feel more comfortable doctor quickly determines what you are suffering from or if the doctor takes a long time?

When I am treated for an illness or injury I feel more comfortable when the doctor quickly determines what I am suffering. If the injury is determined faster it implies that the doctor has more knowledge and is more experienced. I can easily deduce the knowledge of a certain doctor by this fact.

Unit 10 question 5: There are many factors within human control that have contributed to the collapse of past societies. Which of the following factors are most likely to threaten civilizations today?

I think that we, humans, will be the major cause of the collapsing of our society. Human overpopulation will partially increase the treath, but we have the entire responsability over our survival. Our culture is feeding from war, and it is certainly that thing that will bring it down.

The Comedy of Errors
question 7: What underlying themes in the play are relevant today, such as the quest, loss of identity, family relationships, separation, family violence? In what way are they still relevant?

I think that the themes that are revelant today are the separation and family violence. Family detain the biggest part of our relationships today, but it is often neglected. People tends to ignore their families and they often en up as being separated from them or commit family violence.